Friday, January 28, 2011

Like cool only, got all this from Fb & find it rather interesting ^.^

Dear Parents. Jasmine was in a relationship with a dirty homeless boy named Aladdin. Snow White lived alone with 7 men. Pinocchio was a liar. Robin Hood was a thief. Tarzan walked around without clothes on. A stranger kissed sleeping beauty and she married him. Cinderella lied and snuck out at night to attend a party. You can't blame us. We were taught to rebel since a young age.

Love this max

Math tells us 3 of the saddest love stories:
Of parallel lines, who are never meant to meet.
Of tangent lines, who were together once then parted forever.
And of asymptotes, who could only get closer and closer, but could never be together.

Maths should NEVER have a happy ending _|_

Oh your dating my ex? Cool. Im eating a sandwhich.... You want those leftovers too?

Everybody thumbs up !

A Guy Had A Crush On This Girl He followed her wherever she went.
One day the girl noticed and asked the guy.

Girl: Why do you keep following me?
Boy: Because you're so pretty and I think I'm falling in love with you.
Girl: Really? But you haven't met my friend yet. She's prettier then me and she's right behind you.
(The Boy Turns Around)
Boy: Are you making fun of me? There's no one behind me.
Girl: No, but if you really loved me, you wouldn't even bother

The boy fail big time ~

Dude, you got her. She YOURS. So step up , treat her right or she won't be yours for long.

To every boyfriends out there, Treat your G.F right ! :P

Us girls . . we love it when you kiss us on the cheek, when you kiss us when we're in the middle of saying something, when you play with our hair, and when you wrap your arms around our waist. (:

TMM, I LIKE ! ^.^

-Kissing is healthy.
-Bananas are good for cramps.
-Chicken soup actually makes you feel better.
-Its true. Guys DO insult you if they like you.
-Having someone rub your tummy when it hurts actually helps it.
-89% of guys would want girls to make the first move.
-Girls love it when Guys hug them from behind the waist.
-Chocolate makes you feel better.
-Girls love it when guys let them wear their hoodie or jacket.
-Guys think its cute when you mess up.

Hmm, part of it is true i guess :/

I may not be the most beautiful girl or the sexiest girl nor do I have a perfect body. I might not be everyone's first choice, but I’m a great choice. I do not pretend to be someone I’m not, because I’m good at being me. I might not be proud of some of the things in my past, but I’m proud of who I am today. So take me as I am, or watch me as I walk away! ♥

Girls rulezzz !

Spray perfume in front of you and then walk through it, think everything is scary when you are home alone, have your mouth wide open when you put mascara on, make important decisions in the shower, and think about everything while you are lying in bed.

Hmm i don't put perfume does talcum powder count?
Ok i admit i do freak out abit when i'm alone at home :X
I do have my mouth open when i put eyeliner on, it comes naturally .... no?
I think about many things before i eventually sleep !

Teacher:"I'm calling your parents!"
Elementary Student:NOOOOOO,"I'll be good!"
Middle School Student:"Pshhh,whatever!"
High School Student: "Hahaha tell my mom I said Hi!" :P

Growing up sure is fun & i'm proud to say i'm 18 this year !! Legal clubbing age + can watch MATURE 18 show leh weet-U-weets ! But my curfew is still 10 .... FML -__-

I wonder how boys feel when they're in love.

Do they get butterflies? Do they have you on their mind 24/7? Do they wait for you to come online for hours? Do they smile at random times at the thought of you? Do they miss you all the time? Do they think about the smallest things you say?

Bi, do you do this too? (:

Did you know when someone annoys you it takes 42 muscles to frown but only 4 to extend your arm and punch them in the face.

Oooh, remember to do this next time when people piss you off :B

A girl doesn't wear makeup, has her hair in a messs, and is still in her pjs.
her boyfriend comes over.
Girl- *screams*
Boy- Baby, you're STILL gorgeous.
Girl- Ew. You must be blind.
Boy- Nope. Just in love.♥

Soo sweet !

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